TKA Course Catalog: 2025-2026
The King's Academy Course Catalog is designed to assist students and parents in selecting courses for the following school year. All courses offered at The King's Academy are included in this catalog. However, the school reserves the right to modify all courses and to withdraw courses for which too few students register.
College preparatory courses meeting the University of California eligibility requirements are noted by an asterisk (*). Students who meet the UC admissions requirements will also meet requirements for many other universities.
Academic Departments
- Bible
- Computer Science & Engineering
- English
- Mathematics
- Physical Education
- Science
- Social Studies
- Visual & Performing Arts
- World Languages
- Electives
- Business & Entrepreneurship
Department Leads: Rick Hardy & Chris Davis
Requirement: Every Year (Grades 9 and 10 one semester only)
Objectives: Review the Bible Class Objectives per grade.
Courses Offered: Read full 2024-2025 course descriptions.
Bible Courses: Curriculum Overview
Bible Department Philosophy
The King’s Academy stands firm in the truth that the Bible is the inspired, infallible Word of God. Therefore, it is the primary book used in each of the Bible courses. The main purpose of each course is to present an accurate, thoughtful study of His Word, and to continually explore the practical implications for each student in his or her daily life.
- Bible 6 - Mastering Bible Study Skills
- Bible 7 - Old Testament Survey
- Bible 8 - The Life of Christ and His Church
- Bible 9 (Sem) - The Gospel of John
- Bible 10 (Sem) - New Testament Letters
- Bible 11 - Basics of Bible Doctrine
- Bible 11 - Basics of Bible Doctrine
- Bible 12 (Sem) - Doctrine & Apologetics
- Bible 12 (Sem) - Christ & Culture
- Bible 12 (Sem) - Leadership, Evangelism & Discipleship
Computer Science & Engineering
Computer Science & Engineering Department Lead: David Howe
Requirement: No requirement
Courses Offered: Read full 2024-2025 course descriptions.
Computer Science & Engineering: Curriculum Overview
TKA's Technology Vision: “Creating Digital Citizens Connected to Him”
Co-curricular Program: TKA Robotics Teams
Computer Science & Engineering Department Philosophy
The vision of the computer science and engineering department at The King's Academy is to give students the necessary skills to function effectively in a society that is centered on information, computers and technological developments; and to prepare students to be morally and ethically responsible in their use of information and technology. These skills include the ability to communicate and solve problems using the computer, adapt to emerging technologies, and to be independent and life long learners. Paul teaches in 1 Corinthians 10:23-24 that "'Everything is permissible'--but not everything is beneficial. ‘Everything is permissible'--but not everything is constructive. Nobody should seek his own good, but the good of others." Students will be able to make informed decisions about the role of technology in their lives keeping the principles of these verses in mind.
- A/V Technical Support (Sem)
- AP Computer Science A
- AP Computer Science Principles
- Audio Engineering & Production (Sem)
- Computer Aided Design (Sem)
- Introduction to Computer Science 1 (Sem)
- PLTW Introduction to Engineering Design
- PLTW Principles of Engineering
- Robotics Engineering & Programming 1-Jr. High (Sem)
- Introduction to Computer Science 2 (Sem)
- Robotics Engineering & Programming 2-Jr High (Sem)
Jr. High Robotics Class
TKA Robotics Teams
TKA MidKnight Robotics teams compete with other FIRST Tech Challenge (FTC) teams in the Bay Area. TKA has two teams - MidKnight Madness #7854 and MidKnight Mayhem #15385. For more information about the TKA program, please contact Mrs. Annette Lane, Robotics Teacher and Team Coach:
The TKA robotics team members contribute a variety of skills and no prior experience is required. We train new members on CAD, 3D printing, hardware prototyping, and software with Android Studio to program in Java. We also have an on-campus machine shop to design and manufacture parts. The team is run like a small business, with marketing, fundraising, team management, and presentation skills needed as well.
For detailed information, view our Robotics webpage.
Department Lead: Liz Danielski & Steve Vermouth
Requirement: Every Year
Courses Offered: Read full 2024-2025 course descriptions.
English Courses
The King’s Academy English Department Literature Selection Philosophy
The English Department of The King's Academy is committed to the rigorous, college-preparatory study of language and literature from different genres and time periods with an aim to explore, analyze, and evaluate a variety of writing styles and voices. The study of any literature is inherently tied to the human condition; therefore, difficult material may appear in some of the course content. These matters are examined through a biblical framework that supports our foundations of faith as a school.
English Department Philosophy
The ultimate goal of the English department is to inspire a love of literature and writing in students as they struggle with ideas that are fundamental to their human condition. Students have a responsibility to master reading, writing, speaking, and listening, not only to glorify God but also to communicate clearly in relationship with others. Students will learn how to discern truth in literature by being attentive to the various techniques and strategies authors use to evoke emotional and intellectual responses from readers. All literature will be evaluated according to the moral and ethical principles set forth in the Bible, and the worldview of the various authors will be compared with a biblical worldview.
- English 6
- English 7
- English 8
- English 9
- English 9 Honors
- English 10
- English 10 Honors
- English 11
- English 12
- English 12
- American Literature
- British Literature
- AP English Language & Composition
- AP English Literature & Composition
- Folklore, Legends & Writing, Junior High
- Public Speaking and Debate (Sem)
- Intro to Debate, Junior High
- Speaking with Confidence (Sem)
Department Leads: Steve Weiss & Michael Wilton
Requirement: 3 years
†Pre-Algebra will not be awarded high school credit. Completion of math sequence through Algebra 2 is required to be considered college preparatory.
Courses Offered: Read full 2024-2025 course descriptions.
Mathematics Courses: Curriculum Overview
Math Department Philosophy
It is impossible for us to understand creation without God's gift of mathematics, for we would not have the means of measuring His world. Mathematics is a tool to help men rule over the earth under God. All callings in life demand planning, calculating, and evaluating in order to carry out God-given responsibilities. Mathematics plays an important role, whether it be in business, medicine, engineering, art, science, etc. Each student should thus master this wonderful gift to advance Christ's kingdom on earth.
The study of mathematics provides a useful platform for character formation. It provides opportunities to help students learn honesty, dedication, diligence, orderliness, obedience, discernment, carefulness, discipline, creativity, logic, patience (longsuffering), and persistence. The study of mathematics also provides opportunities for students to consider the nature of truth, the concept of the infinite and the use of reason in problem solving and decision making.
- Math 6
- General Math
- Pre-Algebra
- Algebra 1
- Algebra 1A
- Geometry
- Geometry Honors
- Algebra 2
- Algebra 2 Honors
- AP Pre-Calculus
- Pre-Calculus
- Calculus
- AP Calculus AB
- AP Calculus BC
- Financial Mathematics
- Statistics
- AP Statistics
Physical Education
Department Lead: Drew Petiti
Requirement: Two Years.
Courses Offered: Read full 2024-2025 course descriptions.
P.E. Department Philosophy
Through sports and physical education, students will learn to exhibit Christ-like character specifically by showing grace, being humble, learning to work as a team, being self-disciplined and learning how to lead. In addition, students are taught to use their bodies to glorify God and to treat them as vessels of His Holy Spirit.
- PE 6 Boys
- PE 6 Girls
- PE - JH Boys
- PE - JH Girls
- PE - HS Boys (Sem)
- PE - HS Girls (Sem)
- Basketball - JH (Sem)
- Strength & Conditioning (Sem)
Department Leads: Scott Smithson & Jason Peevyhouse
Requirement: Three Years
Courses Offered: Read full 2024-2025 course descriptions.
Science Courses: Curriculum Overview
Science Department Philosophy
The Science Department is guided by the general principle that God created and sustains everything, and that the orderliness of the universe is a reflection of His character (Hebrews 1:2-3). We believe that the purpose of science as a discipline is to understand creation as a whole, which means encouraging students to look at the big picture and the underlying principles which are consistently seen in the world.
Each subject taught in this department is geared to focus on the specifics of that subject area and how they reveal the creativity and complexity of the Creator. As part of a Christian's call to be stewards of God's creation (Genesis 1:26) we will also strive to educate students on the applications and ethical implications of scientific knowledge. We believe that while scientific investigation is a means for uncovering truth, the fluid nature of the scientific process means that the state of our knowledge will be constantly changing and that we will always fall short of the complete understanding of reality that God has to offer us (Job 38: 1-7,18).
- Science 6 - Earth Science
- Science 7 - Life Science
- Science 8 - Physical Science
- Biology
- Biology Honors
- AP Biology
- Physical Science
- Environmental Science
- Marine Science
- Chemistry
- Chemistry Honors
- AP Chemistry
- Physics
- AP Physics 1
- Anatomy & Physiology
Social Studies
Department Lead: Christiana Kim & Edward Lanning
Requirement: Four Years (Three years for Class of 2025 and beyond)
Courses Offered: Read full 2024-2025 course descriptions.
Social Studies Courses: Curriculum Overview
Social Studies Department Philosophy
The mission of The King's Academy history department is to influence students in their knowledge, values and perspective of the world through an engaging environment. Our students will gain an understanding of the origins and interactions of mankind throughout history. They will learn to appreciate the diversity of culture and tradition. Our students will explore how the choices made in the past affect the present and the future. Most importantly students will evaluate the actions and belief systems of society in comparison with God's word. We will equip our students with the tools to build a biblical world view and a realistic and wise understanding of history.
- Ancient World History 6
- Geography & Medieval World History 7
- US History 8
- Ancient World History 9
- Ancient World History 9 Honors
- Modern World History 10
- AP Modern World History
- US History 11
- AP US History
- Government (Sem)
- AP Government & Politics (Sem)
- Economics (Sem)
- Economics Honors
- AP Macroeconomics
- Intro to Psychology (Sem)
- AP Psychology
- Intro to Law
- History of California (Sem., Year)
Visual & Performing Arts
Department Lead: Stacey Reed
Requirement: One Year
Courses Offered: Read full 2024-2025 course descriptions.
VPA Courses: Curriculum Overview
VPA Department Philosophy
The VPA Department seeks to glorify God as we foster an environment where students can discover and develop their God-given talents to the fullest. We share these talents not for our own glory but as a spiritual act of worship of our Creator. (Romans 12:1; Colossians 3:17; 1 Cor. 10:31).
- Discovering Art - JH (Sem)
- Discovering Art - HS
- AP 2-D Art & Design
- Ceramics (Sem)
- Intro to Digital Painting JH
- Comp 3D Modeling with ZBrush
- Digital Design & Animation
- Digital Photography (Sem)
- Dance Fundamentals - JH
- Intermediate Dance - JH
- Advanced Dance
- Dance Workshop
- Fundamentals of Theatre - JH
- Theatre 1
- Theatre 2
- Theatre 3
- Theatre 4
- Beginning (Blue) Band
- Intermediate (Gold) Band
- Knights Brigade/Wind
- Knights Brigade/Percussion
- Knight Club Jazz Band- JH
- Knight Club Jazz Band- HS
- String Ensemble
- String Orchestra
- Concert Choir - JH
- Concert Choir - HS
- Knightshine
- Worship Leading (Sem)
- Video Production & Editing (Sem)
- Film Studies
- Yearbook
- Yearbook Honors
World Languages
Department Lead: Renan Pineda
Requirement: Completion of level two (2) of a world language is required. Completion of level three (3) or higher is strongly recommended. World languages taken in junior high may be counted toward high school graduation requirements. At least one (1) year of world language must be taken in high school.
Courses Offered: Read full 2024-2025 course descriptions.
World Language Courses: Curriculum Overview
World Language Department Philosophy
God created man and woman in His own image, and gave them the gift of communication through spoken words. At the beginning they used the same language throughout the whole world, but since they rebelled against God and built the tower of Babel, God confused them. In order to glorify God through communication with people from other cultures, the students must be taught to read, write and speak other languages, to be better equipped to spread the Gospel to our community, and to all the corners of the world, to reveal the truth that is founded only in Jesus Christ.
Special Honors and Competitions
TKA recognizes outstanding scholarship in the study of languages in partnership with the following organizations:
- TKA's French Honor Society chapter is Société Honoraire de Français. French students may also participate in Le Grand Concourse, an annual competition sponsored by the American Association of Teachers of French.
- TKA's Spanish Honor Society chapter is Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica,
- TKA’s Chinese Honor Society chapter is National Chinese Honor Society.
- TKA also offers the Global Seal of Biliteracy, an international credential that conveys proficiency with language skills in two or more languages for our students.
Read more information about TKA's Honor Societies.
First-Year American Sign Language 1 (Online Sevenstar)
American Sign Language 2 (Online Sevenstar)
French 1
French 2
French 3
French 4
AP French Language and Culture
Mandarin 1
Mandarin 2
Mandarin 3
Mandarin 4
AP Chinese Language and Culture
Spanish 1
Spanish 2
Spanish 2 Honors
Spanish 3
Spanish 3 Honors
Spanish 4
AP Spanish Language and Culture
Courses Offered: Read full 2024-2025 course descriptions.
Broadcasting (Sem)
Student Council (Year)
Study Hall (Sem)
Interdisciplinary Electives |
Grades |
Length |
Broadcasting |
7-12 |
Semester/Year |
Non-Departmental Electives |
Grades |
Length |
Study Skills | 6-9 | Semester/Year |
Office Assistant |
7-12 |
Semester/Year |
Study Hall |
7-12 |
Semester/Year |
Tutoring |
7-12 |
Semester/Year |
Library Aide |
8-12 |
Semester/Year |
Student Council |
10-12 |
Year |
Peer Tutor |
11-12 |
Semester/Year |
Teacher Assistant |
11-12 |
Semester/Year |