Parent & Student Resources
- TKA Resources
- Parent Information, Medical, Forms
- Student Info & Forms
- Athletics
- Academic & College Counseling
- Visual & Performing Arts
- Technology
- TKA Calendar
- TKA Media
- TKA News
TKA Resources
Reference Documents
- Rotating Schedule 2024-2025
- Campus Map
- Course Catalog 2024-2025
- Course Plan: Recommended 4 Year
- Family Year-at-a-Glance Calendar 2024-2025
- Student/Parent Handbook (found in the Family Portal)
- Student Club List (found in the Family Portal)
Who to Contact
- TKA Quick Phone/Email Reference List
- 2024-25 Student Council/Class Officers/Class Advisors
- Prayer Requests
- TKA IT Help Desk:
- Student Announcements:
- Royal Reminders:
- StopIt Online Reporting Tool
Parent Information, Medical, Forms
Parent Information
- Carpool Sign-Up Form 2024-2025
- Giving to TKA
- Moms in Prayer Information
- Parent-Sponsored Facebook & Google Group
- Parking Lot Guidelines
- Prayer Requests:
- Quick Reference: Staff Phone & Email List
- StuCo, Class Officers, Class Advisors 2024-2025
- Creating a Family Portal Account in FACTS
Parent Volunteer Requirements
- Parent Volunteer Mandatory Requirements - New Parents
- Parent Volunteer Mandatory Requirements - Returning Parents
- Parent Volunteer Opportunities 2024-2025
TKA Health & Wellness Resources
Medical Forms & Info
- 7th Grade Tdap Pertussis Booster Requirement
- Allergy and Anaphylaxis Emergency Plan
- Medication at School Authorization 2024-2025
- EpiPen at School Authorization Form
- Role of School Nurse & Athletic Trainers
- TKA Concussion Policy & Procedure
- When To Keep Your Student Home from School
- When Does My Student Need a Doctor’s Excuse?
General Information
- Dress Expectations 2024-2025 (See Student/Parent Handbook in Portal)
- Campus Map
- Rotating Schedule 2024-2025
Campus Activity Forms
- Off-Campus Activity Parent Permission Slip 2023-24
- On-Campus Activity Form
- Facilities Request Set-Up Form
TKA Vendors
- Knight’s Café Menu
- Knights Cafe account:
- TKA Spirit Gear-Order Here
- PE Uniforms - Order Here
- Official Attendance Report by Parents Only to Students may report an absence to a teacher for assignment coordination only, not to be excused from class
- Reporting Absences: *Please do not expect a response to attendance email.
- Parent Questions or Concerns:*Parents will receive a response to SAO email in a timely manner.
In attendance reporting, include the following information:
- STUDENT'S LAST NAME, as student last names can be different from parent last names.
- STUDENT'S GRADE, as there are multiple students with the same name.
- A BRIEF REASON why your student is at home or not in school (illness, medical or dental appointment, parent's work situation, etc.).
Parents must notify the Attendance Office via before 8:00 a.m. on the day of an absence, even if a student will only miss an hour in the middle of the day.
Every full-day, partial-day or future planned absence must be reported to the SAO through
Updating Emails, Phone, Directory Preferences
Inside the Family Portal, parents can access the following to make changes:
- Family demographic information, including student, parent, and emergency contact information. It is critical for this information to be up-to-date at all times, so TKA can contact you with important information and reach you in case of emergency. Click on School-->Web Forms-->Family Demographic Form-->Custodial Parent--> Parent Form & Directory Preferences->Select the SAVE button when finished.
- TKA directory preferences. Click on School-->Web Forms-->Family Demographic Form --> Parent Form & Directory Preferences. By default, this information is currently visible:
- Student: Name, Parent Name(s), Grade Level
- Parent : Name, Primary Email
- Need Help? Email
Knights Annual Fund: Supporting TKA’s Ministry & Mission
Tuition covers the basic operating expenses of TKA. Donations to the Knights Annual Fund (KAF) make it possible for students who are not able to afford TKA experience the unique, Christ-centered education that we offer.
Your generous support also makes it possible for TKA to make investments that improve our campus and benefit our academic, athletic, and VPA programs.
Charitable contributions, which are tax-deductible, help us achieve these goals.
Donate or Pledge Now
Student Info & Forms
TKA Health & Wellness Resources
Student Forms
General Information
- Dress Expectations 2024-2025 (see Student/Parent Handbook in Portal)
- Campus Map
- Rotating Schedule 2024-2025
- Parking Lot Guidelines
- StopIt App Online Reporting Tool
Class Specific
Club Forms
Tutoring Resources
Government Required Links (for students 18+ years of age)
Selective Service Registration (men only)
Athletics Information
- Athletic Fees 2024-2025
- Athletic Handbook
- TKA Concussion Policy & Procedure
- PE Uniform Orders
- Spirit Gear Orders
- Sports Sign-Up Dates 2024-2025
- Sports Medicine Webpage
Athletic Sign-Up Required Forms
TKA Letterman Jacket
Academic & College Counseling
Academic Planning
- Course Catalog 2024-2025
- Recommended 4 Year Course Plan
- Academic Support Department
- Academic Support Flyer
College Resources
TKA College Information
CAC Seminar Resources
- Financial Aid A-Z Recording (9/28/23)
- 12th Grade Parent College Night Recording (9/19/23)
- 11th Grade Parent College Night Video and PowerPoint (3/14/24)
- 10th Grade Parent College Planning Night Recording and Slides (10/12/23)
- 8th Grade Parent Session "High School Planning": Recording and Slides (10/25/23)
- 8th Grade Transitioning to High School Program (1/11/24)
- Common Application
- University of California Application
- Cal State Application
- California Community Colleges Application
- Coalition Application
- College Entrance Examination Board (CEEB) School Code: 051514
- Compass Guide to Admission Testing
Financial Aid & Scholarships
- (& FAFSA)
- CCS Profile
- Tool for Comparing Award Letters & Loans
- Going Merry
- Discover Scholarships
Athletics Resources
- NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association)
- NCAA Eligibility Center
- NAIA (National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics)
- NJCAA (National Junior College Athletic Association)
- AICAD (Association of Independent Colleges of Art and Design)
- National Portfolio Day Association
General Resources
- College Transitions
- Army
- Navy and Marine Corps
- Air Force ROTC
- Best Christian Colleges
- Find Your Christian College
- Gap Year
- Virtual College Tours
- Historically Black Colleges/Universities
- Colleges That Change Lives
- TeachCA
Grade Specific Resources
Recommended Reading
- College Admissions by Robin Mamlet
- Admission Matters: What Students and Parents Need to Know About Getting into College by Sally P. Springer
- The Paradox of Choice: Why More is Less by Barry Schwartz
- College Unranked: Ending the College Admissions Frenzy by Lloyd Thacker
- Letting Go: A Parent’s Guide to Understanding the College Years by Karen Levin Coburn
- Colleges that Change Lives by Hilary Masell Oswald
- Where You Go is Not Who You’ll Be by Frank Bruni
- Overloaded and Underprepared by Denise Pope
Visual & Performing Arts
Audition Packets 2024-2025
- Dance Audition Packet (Deadline: Monday, May 13)
- Concert Choir Audition Packet (Deadline: Friday, April 12)
- Junior High Choir Audition Packet (Deadline: Friday, May 3)
- Knights Brigade Marching Band and Color Guard (Deadline: Saturday, April 13)
- Knight Club Jazz Band Auditions (Deadline: Saturday, April 13)
- Knightshine Audition Packet (Deadline: Friday, April 12)
String Ensemble/String Orchestra Auditions (Deadline: Saturday, April 13)
School Device Minimum Requirements
TKA is a "Bring Your Own Device" (BYOD) school. Please review the minimum device requirements and software requirements.
Help with Technology
- Technology Frequently Asked Questions
- Issue with FACTS or Google Suite: Email
- Issue accessing a class link: Reach out to the specific teacher.
- Note: TKA's IT department is not able to provide support with any issues related to your home network or personal devices
FACTS Portal
Inside the Family Portal, parents can access the following to make changes:
- Instructions for Setting up FACTS Portal
- Updating Emergency Contact, Student Medical Info., Directory Preferences
- Need Help Logging into FACTS Portal? Email
Updating Emails, Phone, Directory Preferences
Inside the Family Portal, parents can access the following to make changes:
- Family demographic information, including student, parent, and emergency contact information. It is critical for this information to be up-to-date at all times, so TKA can contact you with important information and reach you in case of emergency. Click on School-->Web Forms-->Family Demographic Form-->Custodial Parent--> Parent Form & Directory Preferences->Select the SAVE button when finished.
Device Acceptable Use Policy
TKA Calendar
Calendars and Schedules
- Athletic Calendar
- Rotating Schedule 2024-2025
- Year-At-A-Glance 2024-2025
Calendar Tools
Calendar & Category Legend:
- Admissions
- 10th Grade
- 11th Grade
- 6th Grade
- 7th Grade
- 8th Grade
- 9th Grade
- ALL Students
- Counseling Events
- High School
- Junior High
- Parents
- Senior Class
- Service Trips
- Staff
- VPA Band
- VPA Dance
- VPA High School Theatre
- VPA Junior High Theatre
- VPA Knights Brigade
- VPA Strings
- VPA Visual Arts
- VPA Vocal Music
TKA Media
TKA Media Gallery
Click here to view the TKA Media Gallery and see other TKA events!
A Midsummer Night's...Dream?
Disney's The Little Mermaid
Spirit Week 2024: Color Day
Spirit Week: Wild West v. West Coast
Spirit Week: Gray Hair v. Baby Wear
Spirit Week: Character Day
Christmas Week
VPA Christmas Concerts
Knights Brigade 2023
Singin' in the Rain
It's A Wonderful Life - A Live Radio Play
Carnival 2023
Hume Retreat 2023
Rock-N-Water Retreat 2023
TKA Art Gallery
TKA Instagram
- Follow TKA at tka_sunnyvale
- Follow TKA at tka_athleticevents
- Follow TKA Student Council at tka.stuco
TKA Athletics
TKA YouTube Channels
TKA News
Top Headlines
More Information and Helpful Links Can Be Found at Back to School
Prayer Requests
Send us your prayer requests and TKA staff and our weekly Moms in Prayer group will pray for you!