Spiritual Life

Light of the World

Light of the World poster


Christ calls us to be light in an ever darkening world. Although things may seem bleak with increased social fragmentation, divisiveness, loss of trust, isolation and mental health challenges, we know that the darker things get, the brighter the light will shine. Whether that is for us personally, or collectively, we pray that 2024-25 will be a year where the light of Christ will shine ever brighter in our midst. 

Servant Leadership

"Whoever desires to be great among you, let him be your servant. And whoever desires to be first, let him be our slave - just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many."  - Matthew 20:26-28.

One of the primary aims of The King’s Academy is to build Christian leaders. Our Student Council, Class Officers, Spiritual Life Internship, and Worship Team Program give our students opportunities to learn how to lead in a ministry context. Some of the ministries with the most impact at TKA are student-initiated and executed. Chapels, clubs, trips, and retreats all have elements which are led by students. Our hope and prayer is for students to take the skills and experiences they have gained and use them to serve our Lord throughout their lives.

College Students Wearing College Shirts

Our Christian faith is woven into every aspect of our school. It should be noted that to serve in a TKA leadership position, a student must be trusting in Jesus Christ alone for their salvation, and demonstrate an active faith and a growing love for the Lord.

Student Council

The Student Council at The King's Academy is a twelve-member body elected by the entire student body each spring.  The Student Council meets as a class four days a week under the supervision of the Spiritual Life department.  They plan and help facilitate a variety of community-building events such as Carnival, Homecoming, and Spirit Week. Additionally, they serve as ambassadors for the school at events such as Open House and Back-to-School Night for parents.

Class Officers

Each grade also elects four officers to lead activities designed to promote class bonding and spiritual growth. The officers work hand-in-hand with staff members serving as Class Advisors.

What Makes This Christ-Centered Academy in Silicon Valley Different?

Although The King's Academy places high value on academic excellence, it differs from other schools in that everything at TKA is designed to bring students closer to God, create strong relationships between students and staff, and build Christian servant leaders.

The entire student body has daily opportunities to mature spiritually through home groups, retreats, chapels, clubs, peer groups, mentoring and service.


Spiritual Life Theme 2023-2024

Connectedness is foundational for life!  This is God’s design for how life is to thrive.  Today, we are living through what sociologists are calling, a “crises of connectedness.”  We are more isolated as a society than ever and trust, which is the foundation of connectedness, is at an all-time low.  This year, we will be focusing on 2 connections that are vital for life: Our relationship with God and our relationship with one another.  Our hope is that as we cultivate these two relationships, that we might more fully experience the richness of life that God intended for us in Christ.

I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me, you can do nothing. - John 15:5

Campus Ministries

Junior High and High School Chapels

The King’s Academy provides separate chapel experiences for our junior high and senior high students. At chapel, students pray together, sing together, and worship God together. Through chapels, students learn to apply Christian principles to the real issues they face, such as peer pressure and family conflicts.  Weekly chapels focus on worship and hearing engaging messages based on the word of God from staff, alumni, local youth pastors, and guest speakers. Chapel worship teams are comprised entirely of student musicians and vocalists. Chapel is followed by a special home group time for discussion.

Daily Home Groups

All the programs and events planned by Spiritual Life are designed to build relationships between staff and students, between students and peers, and ultimately between our students and the Lord. The ethic behind all campus ministry is an understanding that small investments over long periods of time reap great rewards. This is why we call it "Relational Ministry." Home groups are organized by gender and grade, led by a staff facilitator. The goal of home groups is to create a safe, loving, relational environment where students have fun, engage with one another, attend to daily announcements, and share in brief moments of spiritual focus such as prayer, devotion, testimony, etc.  Students meet with their home group in the morning to start the day on Monday, Tuesday, and Friday.  On Thursdays, home groups meet for 20 minutes following chapel to discuss the chapel message.  Wednesday is a late start (10:00 a.m.) school day, so there are no home group meetings.

All School Rallies

How to describe a TKA Rallies? Spirited, loud, zany, unexpected, crazy, creative, hilarious, fun! Club is when our entire student body comes together for an exciting time, which fosters community and school spirit. Club is a celebration of God’s love for us, and yes, there is usually a joyful noise! Club activities include sports rallies, games, competitions, music, video, and live performances..

Discipleship Model, teach, mentor, and train
3 Primary Reasons Why Young Adults Choose Jesus and Stay in the Faith poster

Special Student Discipleship Groups

  • The Seeker Small Group is for students who are interested in learning more about Christianity.
  • The Vanguard Group is for Christians who want to be discipled and grow.
SSG Logo
Vanguard Logo

Spiritual Life Staff

Jeff Liu
Bryson Bridges