
TKA Service Trip Policies and Expectations

Cell Phone Policy

Non-service project cell phone usage and social media communication (including but not limited to texting, phone calls, and posting photos) will not be permitted when participating in any service project with The King's Academy. Violation of this policy may include confiscation of the device in accordance with TKA's cell phone policy in the Student/Parent Handbook.

 At the service project leader's discretion, and with the service project leader's expressed permission, students may use their cell phone for service-related communication or to take pictures. The purpose of this policy is threefold:

  • To protect the integrity and cohesion of the service project, TKA desires participants to be fully engaged with the purpose and people of the service project without the distraction of digital devices.
  • To protect the safety of our students.
  • To avoid any potential liability related to cell phone usage

Sickness & Injury

If a student becomes sick or injured while on a service trip, the Trip Leaders will ensure that the student is cared for and accommodated to the best of their ability. Parents/guardians will be contacted to collaborate with the Trip Leaders regarding the care of their student. 

It will be up to the discretion of the trip leader in conjunction with the parents to determine if it is in the best interest of both the student and the cohesion of the trip if the student should return home. In the case that a student does need to return home, it shall be determined by the Trip Leaders and TKA Administrator if the student is to be picked up by the parents/guardian or accompanied home by a TKA staff member. 



Behavior Expectations

If a student has a problem following the behavior expectations of the service trip and The King’s Academy staff, they may be asked to leave, after the approval of a TKA Administrator. In such instances, parents/guardians will assume full responsibility and costs associated with returning their student home.

Dress Expectations

TKA dress expectations apply for ALL TKA service projects and especially note:

  • Shorts or skirts (girls) should be no shorter than 6" above the knee (and depending on your service project leader, you may be asked to wear pants instead).

  • Pants may not have holes, rips, or frays. No leggings or yoga pants.

  • Modest clothing: tops and blouses covering the shoulders and no midriff shirts.

Students will be also subject to follow any dress expectations provided by the Ministry Partner.